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Who is on the Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List

Only barristers on the Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List can be briefed for major criminal trials of longer than 15 days. In all other criminal trials, an exception is required from Victoria Legal Aid in advance to brief barristers who are not on the Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List.

The Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List operates in harmony with the Victorian Bar Indictable Crime Certificate accreditation scheme. This is reflected in one of the key entry criteria for membership on the list, which requires the barrister to apply for or maintain an Indictable Crime Certificate.

Briefing a barrister

Victoria Legal Aid expects practitioners to exercise their professional judgement and employ a sensible briefing practice in selecting appropriately qualified barristers for different trials.

A practitioner must obtain approval from Victoria Legal Aid prior to briefing Senior Counsel. If a practitioner briefs Senior Counsel without the appropriate grant of legal assistance, counsel will be paid at Senior Junior rates in accordance with the fees in Table F and Table M.

Also see Briefing Victoria Legal Aid Chambers to engage the services of our advocates.

Barristers on this list will change. Practitioners should refer to this page before briefing to ensure the barrister is on this list.

Who is on the list

The Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List includes barristers who have applied to be on the list and have satisfied the entry requirements for membership. While Victoria Legal Aid is confident that all preferred barristers are qualified to conduct criminal trials, they all have different levels of experience and expertise.

The list includes members from the Victorian Bar and public defenders from Victoria Legal Aid Chambers.

Members from the Victorian Bar

Alexander, Theo

Allen, Michael

Anderson, Adrian

Anderson, James

Anderson, Heather

Andrews, Lisa

Andrianakis, Sam

Anger, Steven

Argiropoulos, Karen (SC)

Backwell, Richard

Ball, Jennifer

Ballard, Kate

Barreiro, Jonathan

Barker, Luke

Barker, William

Barns, Greg (SC)

Barton, Rohan

Bates, Adrian

Battersby, Tom

Beech, Amelia

Bhattacharya, Raj

Billings, Peter

Blake, William

Bloemen, Phillip

Boas, Gideon

Borg, Susan

Boston, Catherine (SC)

Brown, Morgan

Broughton, Zoe

Buckland, Andrew

Burnnard, Amanda

Byrt, Erin

Cameron, Fraser

Cannon, Ashlee

Carolan, David

Caruso, Deanna

Casement, Glenn

Cenacchi, Mario

Chadwick, Peter (KC)

Champion, Ruth

Chaudhuri, Robin

Chernok, Adam

Chipkin, Gabriel

Chisholm, Gordon

Clark, Emily

Clark, Jennifer

Coates, Eleanor

Coghlan, Georgina (KC)

Condon, Julie (KC)

Connelly, Georgina (SC)

Connolly, Joe

Cookson, Matt

Coombes, Dan

Court, Rebekah

Cronin, David

Dann, Dermot (KC)

Danos, Tom (OAM)

Davis, Graeme

Dean, Mark E (KC)

de Kretser, Rahmin

Desmond, John

De Witt, David

Dickenson, Andrew

Dixon, Anna

Doyle, Patrick (SC)

Drago, Veronika

Dwyer, Caitlin

Edney, Richard

Fairfield, Cahal

Fallar, Jessica

Farrell, Katherine

Farrington, Chris

FitzGerald, James

Fitzpatrick, Timothy

Foot, Cara

Fox, Felicity

Gardner, Shane

Garner, Janine

Gerry, Felicity (KC)

Ginsbourg, Shaun

Goldberg, Matthew

Goodfellow, Nicholas

Grant, Carlin

Gray, David

Grace, David (KC)

Gullaci, Jason (SC)

Gurvich, Daniel (KC)

Guthridge, Terence

Gwynn, Leighton

Greener, Mihal

Grunwald, Nancy

Haban-Beer, Astrid

Habib, Markorius

Hallowes, David (SC)

Halphen, Ashley

Hammill, Russell

Hancock, Amie

Hands, Alan

Hardjadibrata, Yildana

Hooper, Chris

Holmes, Samantha

Howard, Neil

Howson, Luke

Hughan, Gregory

Hughes, Amara

Hutton, Neill (SC)

Imrie, Andrew

Jackson, Andrew

Johnston, Barnaby

Jones, David (KC)

Joosten, Stephanie

Kaddeche, Nadia

Kantor, Jacob

Kapitaniak, Aggy

Keating, Sarah

Kenny, Simon

Khan, Rabea

Kounnas, Paul

Kozlowski, Martin

Kretzenbacher, Julia

Lacy, Sharon (SC)

Lavery, John

Lee, Simon

Lewis, Anthony

Lewis, Harry

Lindner, Benjamin

Lindner, Stephen

Line, Lucy

Livingstone Clark, Ffyona

Ljubicic, Katarina

Lowy, Julien

Lynch, Thomas

MacDougall, Sandra

Malik, Amit

Mandy, Colin (SC)

Marcou, Penny

Marcs, Carly

Marshall, Alan

Marsh, Tim

Matthews, Peter (SC)

McCulloch, Tim

McDonald, Kyle

McGrath, Michael

McKay, Kelly

McKinnon, Elizabeth

McMahon, Julian (AC SC)

McQuillan, James

Menon, Zubin

Mildenhall, Kestin

Miller, Jonathan

Minucci, Matthew

Mitchell, Dianne

Moodie, Hugo

Moore, John

Morgan, Charles

Morgan, Grace

Morrissey, Peter (SC)

Mortley, James

Murphy, Julian

Mylonas, Constantine

Nathwani, Rishi (SC)

Newton, Bradley

O'Brien, Moya

O'Halloran, Patrick

O'Neill, Robert (SC)

O’Sullivan, Brett

Oldham, Chris

Page, Matthew

Papas, Nick (KC)

Patton, Alexander

Pearson, Christopher

Peters, Vincent

Pezzimenti, Carmela

Phair, Kimberley

Polak, Ian

Poole, Joanne

Portelli, James

Price, Diana

Pyne, Anthony

Ranjit, Sai

Rattray, Hayden

Richter, Lucien

Rofe, David P

Rolfe, Katherine

Roodenburg, Abbie

Sala, Daniel

Saunders, John

Sawyer, Tom

Seoud, Samantha

Shann, Ruth (SC)

Sharpley, Angela

Shaw, Jim

Skehan, Philip

Skvortsova, Tanya

Smallwood, Paul

Smith, Peta

Stanton, Michael (SC)

Stavris, Jim

Stefanovic, Paul

Stevens, Brett

Strugnell, Emma

Sturges, Mark

Sullivan, Timothy

Swiney, Jo

Tehan, Patrick (OAM KC)

Teo, Philip

Terry, Christopher

Thies, Lucinda

Thomas, Sarah

Thomson, Campbell

Thyssen, Robert

Tittensor, Megan (SC)

Tom, Christin

Toohey, Wayne

Tovey, Samuel

Turner, Michael

Wallace, Stephanie

Wendlandt, Sandra

Walmsley, Bruce (KC)

Willard, Jessica

Senior dublic defenders and public defenders from Victoria Legal Aid Chambers are automatically on the Preferred Barrister List for the duration of their employment at Victoria Legal Aid. If their employment at Victoria Legal Aid ends (for example they return to or join the Victorian Bar), then they will need to submit an expression of interest to remain on the list.

Associate public defenders do not ordinarily appear unled in trials and are thus not automatically on the Preferred Barrister List. If a practitioner would like to brief an associate public defenders to appear unled in a trial, they will need to submit an exception application. Associate public defenders themselves do not apply for an exception.

Blackley, John

Brennan, Amy

Dempsey, Darcy

Goodenough, Nicholas

Hurst, Amanda

Lardner, Dominique

Lamovie, Danielle

Marthick, Courtney

McGlone, Daniel

McLennan, Alex

Munster, Julia

Smith, Naomi

Waters, Andrew

Wong, Angie

Read about our Chambers team and the matters in which they can be briefed.

More information

For more information to assist practitioners with understanding the changes to briefing a barrister for a criminal trial and navigating the changes to ATLAS, please see:


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