- Published:
- Thursday 7 July 2022 at 1:00 pm
- Published by:
- Victoria Legal Aid
The evaluation demonstrates that we have made significant progress in the implementation of our second Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP2) since its launch in 2019.
RAP2 outlines how we will work together with First Nations people, communities and organisations to ensure the services we provide are culturally safe, accessible and responsive, and formalised our ongoing commitment to driving change across the Victorian legal system and improving outcomes for First Nations people in Victoria.
The evaluation found that there while has been good progress on changing the way we work including a significant shift in our organisational culture, it’s clear there are opportunities to improve our engagement with First Nations communities, organisations and networks, our culturally safe service responses, and key partnerships with Aboriginal Legal Services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.
Our CEO Louise Glanville said, ‘Ensuring that our services are culturally safe and accessible remains a focus for VLA. We are committed to improving outcomes for First Nations people within the legal system and continue to support First Nations self-determination.
‘The evaluation report provides us with solid recommendations to improve the way we do this work. The actions we take will be underpinned by the principles of self-determination, our commitment to cultural learning, deepening our local relationships and connections, and including people with lived experience in the design and delivery of services,’ said Louise.
The report also noted that our Aboriginal Community Engagement Officer (ACEO) Program has been a notable success for our organisation.
‘In many respects the ACEOs are leading the charge in building relationships between VLA and our key stakeholders and are making a measurable impact on client experiences, outcomes and trust in the legal assistance sector,’ said Louise.
'I’m pleased to confirm that in 2022–23, we will expand the ACEO Program to two new sites. This will assist us to build capability in the engagement and delivery of culturally responsive services to First Nations people in all regions,’ said Louise.
Other key recommendations
- Refreshing RAP2 by strengthening and elevating actions of strategic importance.
- Ensuring development of collaborative efforts and partnerships with Aboriginal Legal Services are embedded in a Self-Determination framework.
- Strengthening governance arrangements and accountability for reconciliation initiatives.
- Committing additional resourcing to support implementation, and improvements to staff and partner engagement.
- Strengthening and clarifying the roles of the RAP Working Group and RAP Champions.
The evaluation was conducted by Karen Milward Consulting Services. Staff and stakeholders were actively consulted as part of the evaluation.
Next steps
We are carefully considering the recommendations, as well the findings of the broader First Nations Services Review, as we plan our next steps. Together, these pieces of work identify gaps and areas for improved service delivery.
Download our Reconciliation Action Plan
Download our Reconciliation Action Plan.