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Developing a First Nations cultural capability framework

The framework will establish standards of practice that identify the knowledge, skills and behaviours for lawyers to provide culturally safe and responsive legal services to First Nations clients.

Tuesday 13 June 2023 at 5:19 am

We are inviting panel practitioners to participate in a workshop series to help inform the development of a First Nations cultural capability framework for Victoria’s legal sector.

We are collaborating with the Law Institute of Victoria to develop a framework to be implemented by June 2024.

It will establish standards of practice that identify the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for lawyers to provide culturally safe and responsive legal services to First Nations clients.

Coroner Simon McGregor identified the need for this framework earlier this year in his findings into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson, a proud Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta woman. His findings highlighted the abject system failure at every stage of her interaction with the criminal justice system.

At Victoria Legal Aid, we acknowledge the urgent need to improve cultural awareness across the legal profession. We also recognise that the necessary change will require building cultural awareness and competency at a systemic level and for the individuals who work within the system.

Developing the framework

The framework is being developed through a process founded on principles of respect, accountability and collaboration, and prioritises First Nations voices and expertise.

We have established a working group to guide its development. The group includes representatives from the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Djirra, the Commission for Children and Young People, the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner and University of Melbourne.

Once developed, the framework will inform practice standards which will apply to all practitioners delivering legally aided services to First Nations clients. These changes will also be reflected in our quality assurance and s29A panel entry processes.

Join a workshop

From late July we will hold a series of three workshops to design the framework principles and the capabilities in the framework. We will expect practitioners to demonstrate the capabilities when delivering legally aided services to First Nations clients, once the framework is in place.

The collaborative process will ensure First Nations individuals and organisations are well represented at the workshops.

We invite our valued practice partners to participate in the workshop series. Limited places are available.

To express your interest please email Kimberley Ison, Project Manager, First Nations Cultural Capability Framework at Kimberley.Ison@vla.vic.gov.au before close of business on 28 June 2023.
