[On-screen: a colourful illustration of an abstract face. Text of the poem appears as it is spoken by Simone.]
Simone: Wake me up when my sentence is finished,
When my confidence and dreams have all but diminished.
You will suffocate me with your power and control,
Nothing is sacred, mine is a head that will roll.
[On-screen: the abstract face’s eye shuts.]
Simone: The walls are graffitied with tears of pain,
With screams of anguish and fear that can’t be explained.
[On-screen: a tear rolls down the abstract face.]
Simone: Silence is a virtue that is rarely heard,
Your voice, thoughts and behaviours classed as absurd.
[On-screen: pills of different colours and shapes fall down.]
Given multicoloured pills of difference descriptions for our abusive label –
Can’t smile, laugh, cry, complain or advocate –
You have to remain in a coma that is stable.
[On-screen: a tear rolls down the abstract face.]
Simone: You try to disempower me, my intelligence, strength, rationales and wisdom,
Trying to squash my voice, personality and my spiritual kingdom.
Who are you accountable to, you doctors full of textbook crimes –
Not trauma informed, person centred, heartfelt or compassionate ear of kindness chimes –
You haven’t won because my heart and soul still rhymes.
[On-screen: a speech bubble appears.]
Simone: I still have a choice to use my voice!
Truth and good will prevail,
It is amazing what you can do in psychiatric jail.
I am number one and watch out for here I come!
[Pre-recorded video ends]