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New talent for our Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List

The private Bar plays an instrumental role in providing quality representation to the thousands of people whose defence is funded by Victoria Legal Aid each year, and we welcome a number of new lawyers to our Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List.

Tuesday 8 February 2022 at 4:10 am

The private Bar plays an instrumental role in providing quality representation to the thousands of people whose defence is funded by Victoria Legal Aid each year.

Barrister quality is fundamental. It ensures high quality representation and well run trials that benefit our clients, the courts and the community.

Victoria Legal Aid is responsible for providing legal aid in the most effective, efficient and economic manner. This includes ensuring quality advocacy for legally aided clients.

The Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List provides oversight regarding the quality of barristers appearing in criminal trials.

We congratulate the following barristers who have been accepted onto the Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List:

We welcome these barristers and look forward to their contribution in helping deliver quality legal aid services to our clients and the community.

Expressions of interest

Expressions of interest for membership of the list can be made at any time. These will be assessed as part of the quarterly assessment cycle.

We will publish the dates for the next assessment in February 2022.

More information

Find out who is on the list.

How to apply.

What are the entry requirements and assessment guidelines.


For more information about the list, please contact Co-ordinator, Major Criminal Cases via email preferredbarristerlist@vla.vic.gov.au or phone: (03) 9606 5224.
