Published 1 December 2020
About this education kit
Australian law in orientation is an education kit for Victorian educators, teachers and community workers teaching people who have been in Australia for less than six months, have low or no English and very basic legal literacy. We developed this resource in collaboration with AMES Australia.
Using this kit
The speakers’ notes are a guide to using each PowerPoint presentation. The speakers’ notes include:
- the purpose of each slide in the PowerPoint document
- what to say to students or participants about each slide
- suggested discussion questions for each slide, where relevant.
The PowerPoint presentations cover the following legal topics:
Our Community Legal Education team can support you to deliver Australian law in orientation.
Contact us
Contact us for more information about these resources or to request support delivering education sessions.
Community Legal Education
Email: cle@vla.vic.gov.au
Phone: (03) 9269 0234 and ask for the Community Legal Education team.
For more information about the law and how we can help, see Get help in your language.
For updates on our resources and activities, subscribe to our Community Legal Education Update.