Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication.

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Consumer complaints

Learn how the law protects you when you buy goods and services, including insurance discrimination, door-to-door sales and contracts.

We do not give information or advice about consumer complaints but there are other organisations that can help.

There are laws to protect consumers when they are buying goods. This includes:

  • buying things online or door-to-door
  • buying goods on lay-by
  • getting refunds
  • services, such as work by tradespeople and utility company services (like gas and electricity suppliers).

There are also laws to protect consumers from experiencing discrimination when they are buying goods and services.

If you are not happy with the goods or services you receive you should first make a complaint to the company that supplied them.

If you cannot resolve the issue with the supplier you may be able to get help from another organisation.

The Consumer Affairs Victoria website can help you with information about your rights as a consumer, including:

  • refunds and returns
  • repairs and replacements
  • warranties
  • lay-bys
  • gift vouchers and gift cards
  • product safety
  • buying goods online
  • energy products and services.

Sample letters for complaints or refunds

The Consumer Affairs Victoria website also has sample letters that you can use to make a complaint or ask for a refund for a faulty item.


If you experience discrimination when buying goods and services, it may be unlawful. For more information see:

Other organisations that can help

Consumer Action Law Centre

The Consumer Action Law Centre(opens in a new window) gives free legal advice and representation to vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers across Victoria. If you are an individual consumer in a dispute with a credit provider, the centre can give you free advice on your rights and obligations.

Their resources and toolkits(opens in a new window) may help you to deal directly with complaints and disputes.

This centre runs the Insurance Law Service. This service has fact sheets and sample letters that may help you to resolve your disputes about insurance matters.

Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

If you have a dispute about goods or services that you bought or sold, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal may be able to hear your case.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has information for consumers about how to make a complaint and a tool to help you write a complaint letter.

More information
