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Financial (spousal) maintenance for partners

When a person has to pay money to their ex-partner because they can't support themself.

Maintenance is when a partner has to help their ex-partner financially after a relationship ends. It is different to child maintenance. Generally, people only have to pay maintenance if they can afford it and their ex-partner can't support themselves.

You may get or have to pay maintenance if:

  • you are separated or divorced from a spouse
  • you are separated from a de facto partner (after 1 March 2009)
  • your marriage has been annulled.

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia have information on financial (spousal) maintenance for partners.

If you can’t agree about maintenance

In most cases, the law says that you should try to resolve disputes before you go to court. If you can’t agree about partner maintenance, there are family dispute resolution services that can help you.

If you still cannot agree, you can apply to the court for a financial order.

The court will make financial orders based on what is fair to both people. If a maintenance order is made, each person listed in the order must follow it.

Time limits

You must apply for a court order within:

  • one year from the date of your annulment
  • one year from the date your divorce order is final
  • two years from the date your de facto relationship ended.

You can only apply to the court for maintenance after this time in special circumstances. Get legal advice.

When maintenance ends

The right to regular payments of maintenance ends if the person:

  • getting maintenance gets married again, unless there are special circumstances
  • paying maintenance dies.

It may also end if the person getting maintenance improves their financial situation because:

  • they are in a new de facto relationship
  • their responsibility for caring for children changes significantly
  • their earning capacity increases.

To end maintenance, you need to apply to the court to vary (change) your maintenance orders. You can do this even if you have final orders.

Get legal advice before agreeing to a financial order. Every case is different. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, and explain how the law applies to your situation.

Other support

Find out how you can get other support for separation, divorce and marriage annulment.


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