Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication.

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If you disagree with a grants decision

What to do if you disagree with a decision about your application for a grant of legal assistance.

If you disagree with our decision about your application for a grant of legal assistance you can ask us to reconsider.

Things you can ask us to reconsider include:

  • the refusal of your application
  • the conditions of your grant, for example:
    • if we have decided to stop or change your grant of legal assistance
    • the amount of the contribution imposed
  • the requirement to sign a charge.

Requesting a reconsideration

You or your lawyer must request reconsideration within 14 days from the date of the letter informing you of our original decision. It is helpful to let us know why you think we should change our decision. You should also provide us with any extra information that you would like us to consider.

We will send a letter to let you know if we change our decision. If we do not change the decision, the letter will include information about your review rights.

Independent review

If you disagree with our reconsidered decision, you have the right to request an independent review. The independent reviewer is appointed by the Victorian Attorney-General. They are not an employee of Victoria Legal Aid.

You must write to us to ask for an independent review within 21 days from the date of the letter informing you of our reconsidered decision. It is helpful to let us know why you think the independent reviewer should change our decision. This is an opportunity to provide us with any extra information you would like the independent reviewer to consider.

The reviewer will look at:

  • your application
  • your letter
  • other information in your file
  • our policies and guidelines.

The independent reviewer’s decision is the final decision within Victoria Legal Aid.

Going to court

You may have the right to go to court to request a further review. We recommend you get independent legal advice about this, as a court review will only be granted within strict timelines and under limited circumstances.

More information

Call Grants and Quality Assurance on (03) 9269 0600 to find out about getting a decision reconsidered or reviewed.

For more detailed information about reconsideration and review of decisions, see the VLA Handbook for lawyers.


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