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Child safe standards

We are committed to the safety and wellbeing and rights of children and young people. You can contact us if you are concerned about your safety or someone else’s.

Information for children and young people

We have people who make sure that our staff members, volunteers and consultants keep you safe and are doing the right thing when they work with you.

You can contact us if you are concerned about your safety. Email us at childsafe@vla.vic.gov.au or call us on (03) 9269 0284.

We will follow up any worries you have about your safety or wellbeing, or if you tell us that you may have been hurt or abused by our staff or volunteers.

Child safe standards – statement of commitment

We are committed to the safety and wellbeing and rights of children and young people.

This means we support the rights of children and young people who have contact with the organisation. This ensures they feel heard on matters that are important to them, and that they feel safe and protected.

A list of our statements are available on this page:

Child safety


  • Have a zero tolerance for child abuse and will take all allegations of suspected child abuse and child safety concerns very seriously. This ensures such conduct is dealt with in accordance with our policies, procedures, and the law.
  • Are committed to preventing child abuse, identifying risk early, and removing and reducing these risks.
  • Will actively work to listen to and empower children and young people who come into contact with our organisation
  • Will provide a safe environment for, and consider the needs of, children and young people who have suffered trauma.
  • Will provide a safe environment for, and consider the needs of, children and young people experiencing compounding disadvantage due to related social issues. For example, where there are traumatic experiences, such as being remanded in custody or placed in out-of-home care.
  • Have legal obligations to contact authorities when there are concerns about a child or young person’s safety, except where legal staff representing a child may have professional obligations around confidentiality and disclosures made in the course of their work.

Diversity and inclusiveness


  • Have a zero tolerance for racism. We have a Cultural Diversity and Anti-Racism Plan in place to address racism, and a complaints process.
  • Will provide a culturally safe environment for First Nations children and young people, and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds. We do this by responding to their needs and considering their requests, so they feel they are in a safe environment.
  • Will provide a safe environment for, and consider the needs of, children and young people with a disability. We will also consider their requests to ensure they feel they are in a safe environment.
  • Will provide a safe environment for, and consider the needs of, LGBTIQA+ and gender diverse children and young people.

Our staff


  • Have robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.
  • Will provide child safe standards training and education to staff and volunteers.
  • Require all staff to uphold these commitments and have policies, procedures, and training in place to achieve these commitments.

Child safety and wellbeing policy and staff code of conduct

Our Child safety and wellbeing policy outline our commitment to child safety. The Child safety code of conduct sets the expectations we have for staff, consultants and volunteers when working with children and young people.

Download these documents:

Child safety and wellbeing policy
Word 235.82 KB
(opens in a new window)
Child safety code of conduct
Word 231.52 KB
(opens in a new window)

How to report a child safety complaint or concern

If you have concerns about our staff, volunteers or consultants abusing children or have experienced hurt or abuse, you can contact us.

Our contact person is Child safety officer and Director, People and Workplace Services, Daniella Calkoen.

Contact us by:

We will take you seriously and take appropriate action.

Commission for Children and Young People

You can also tell the Commission for Children and Young People about your concerns directly.

Contact the commission:

More information


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