Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), you have the right to access documents we hold.
You can make a freedom of information request if you want to:
- access documents held by us
- change personal information that we hold about you.
What documents you can access
You can get copies of any of our documents if the document is not:
- already publicly available (for example, in a library or on a public register)
- considered an ‘exempt’ document.
We consider all requests on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the FOI Act.
Please note: If you are or were our client and require documents related to your legal case, you can contact your lawyer directly for these documents. You may be entitled to receive some or all the documents on your legal file without the need to make a freedom of information application.
Making a request
You must submit a freedom of information request in writing. Send by email to foi@vla.vic.gov.au or by post to:
Freedom of Information
Victoria Legal Aid
GPO Box 4380
Melbourne VIC 3001
Other advice
Requests must be clear and unambiguous. We can help if you are not sure how to make your request.
We will decide on your request as soon as possible. The standard timeframe to process a freedom of information request is 30 days. However, the legislation allows for an extension of time in certain circumstances.
Application fee
Your request must be accompanied by the $32.80 application fee. If you qualify to have the fee waived due to hardship, you will need to provide evidence of this, such as a copy of a health care card.
Changing personal information we hold about you
We do our best to make sure our records are accurate, but sometimes there may be mistakes in the documents or information we hold about you. You can request that we correct information if it is wrong, incomplete, out of date, or would give a misleading impression.
You must still apply in writing to change your personal information, but you do not have to pay a fee.
If you are unhappy with our decision
If you are unhappy with how we have handled a request for information you can contact us to discuss your concerns.
If this does not resolve your issue, see the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) website to find out how to make a complaint or seek a review of our decision.
More information
- For more information, contact our freedom of information officers at foi@vla.vic.gov.au or (03) 9280 3789.
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner – Freedom of information.