Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication.

We help Victorians with their legal problems and represent those who need it most. Find legal answers, chat with us online, or call us. You can speak to us in English or ask for an interpreter. You can also find more legal information at www.legalaid.vic.gov.au

Corporate Plan 2023–24

Read our current priorities to deliver on our statutory objectives and strategic directions.

Our Corporate Plan 2023–24 outlines our priorities for the year, our performance targets and annual budget, as well as our strategic advocacy priorities.

This plan aligns to our Strategy 26 and our Outcomes Framework.

Over the next 12 months, we will be concentrating our efforts on reviewing and modernising services to ensure they are best meeting the needs of our clients. We are focused on ensuring our staff and practice partners are equipped to deliver high-quality services.

Our 2023–24 priorities

Clients have increased access to justice

  • strengthen access to non-legal advocacy and legal assistance in the Mental Health Tribunal for people facing compulsory mental health treatment
  • strengthen regional service delivery
  • enhance and develop services for First Nations clients
  • review and update remand services to ensure they are culturally appropriate, safe, accessible, inclusive, and equitable
  • ensure early intervention services are best meeting client needs and assisting them to address or prevent legal problems
  • focus on lived experience leadership in service design implementation, evaluation and strategic advocacy
  • strengthen the delivery of Child Protection and Family Law and Family Violence legal services across Victoria.
  • improve access for clients and the community to legal aid services and ensure services are sustainable.
  • continuing to improve relationships with private practitioners and create better work practices
  • work with our partners to improve service provision and influence system reform
  • work with community legal centres and other sector partners to deliver services in Melbourne’s West.

Fairer laws and systems

We work to achieve this outcome through our strategic advocacy priorities.

  • pursue sustainable funding
  • work towards improving cultural safety and inclusion, applying an ‘intersectional lens’
  • improve service quality for clients through better assurance and improved technology
  • ensure cyber and data security
  • invest in our staff and technology to develop our legal practice fundamentals to provide clients with better quality services and create more efficient work practices.

Read our corporate plan

Corporate Plan 2023–24
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