Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication.

We help Victorians with their legal problems and represent those who need it most. Find legal answers, chat with us online, or call us. You can speak to us in English or ask for an interpreter. You can also find more legal information at www.legalaid.vic.gov.au

Read about our reduced hours over the holiday period.
Contacting us over the holidays.

Doing legal aid work

The work of private practitioners and community legal centres, as well as Victoria Legal Aid lawyers, enables us to help more people access legal services.

Our partnership with private practitioners is essential for the provision of legal aid services. The significant involvement of private practitioners in the legal aid scheme enables us to help more people access legal services.

Legal aid work is undertaken by lawyers at:

  • Victoria Legal Aid (‘in-house practitioners’)
  • private practice law firms that are eligible to undertake legal aid work (‘private practitioners’)
  • community legal centres.

See our annual report for more about our work with private practitioners, including the firms receiving the highest aggregate payments for legal aid cases.

Practitioner panels

Members of our section 29A panels provide legal representation to clients who are eligible for a grant of legal assistance.

Duty lawyer services

Private practitioners play a critical role in our duty lawyer program, especially in extending our reach to rural and regional communities. Lawyers must be accredited to be part of the scheme.

Our Chambers advocates provide high quality representation for clients with a grant of legal assistance. They can be briefed to appear for clients by Victoria Legal Aid lawyers and private practitioners on our panels.

Our pilot Equity and Diversity List for barristers and advocates

Our pilot Equity and Diversity List will help lawyers find and brief diverse counsel for legally aided matters. It forms part of our Equitable Briefing Strategy. We developed the list following industry consultation.

Learn about the process for barristers to invoice us directly for legal aid work they have completed.

It is a condition of a grant of legal assistance that costs are recovered wherever possible. To help you recover costs, we have put together snapshots that cover how to seek and recover costs.

Trial Counsel Development Program

The Trial Counsel Development Program is designed to deliver unique training opportunities to selected Junior Counsel by partnering them with senior trial advocates.

We facilitate funding of legal representation of interested parties and witnesses granted leave to appear before the Royal Commission into Management of Police Informants. Read about eligibility and fees for practitioners.


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