Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication.

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New Lawyers Program

Our two-year program for first year lawyers gives you the opportunity to work closely with expert lawyers, undertake casework, and appear in court.

The New Lawyers Program runs annually.

It can be a great way to fast-track your career with broad legal experience and strong mentors. And the lifestyle can be fantastic!

Current applications

Applications for the 2025 program will open in mid-2025 for a start date in late 2025.

Application process

The intake for the program varies annually. More details on the number of positions will be outlined when the program is advertised.


The New Lawyers Program is designed specifically for first-year lawyers.

In general, we are interested in hearing from applicants who have an interest in:

  • entering the legal aid sector, and
  • applying their legal skills to support vulnerable Victorian clients.

Having an interest in the legal aid sector, social justice issues, advocacy, and the work VLA undertakes are important aspects to succeeding in the program.

Other important criteria:

  • The program is only open to applicants with less than 12 months’ experience in a legal role. This legal role must be one that requires a practicing certificate (at the time of application).
  • At the time you start the program, you must be admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Victoria or eligible for admission in Victoria under the mutual recognition principle.

First Nations applicants

As with our previous intakes, we also include designated positions for First Nations peoples.

In our 2024 intake, we had 12 positions available for talented first-year post-admission lawyers, with three positions designated for First Nations Australians.

About the program

Our New Lawyers’ Program is an amazing opportunity to learn on the job while being supported with strong mentors and structured training.

The program is a professional development program for recently admitted lawyers. Participants develop their legal skills and adapt these to a new environment in each of your placements.

The two-year program includes:

  • comprehensive induction and training
  • learning on the job through up to four, six-month placements in areas of law including:
    • Criminal law
    • Civil justice
    • Family law.

Opportunities and learning outcomes

You will have the opportunity to:

  • do regular appearance work in courts and tribunals
  • complete casework and conduct advice clinics
  • work with diverse clients on a daily basis
  • get hands-on experience by rotating metropolitan and regional placements at our various offices
  • learn from expert lawyers
  • participate in our professional legal education activities
  • contribute to law reform and community legal education.

You'll build skills in:

  • negotiation and alternative dispute resolution
  • client communication
  • advocacy
  • cross-cultural awareness and communication
  • mental health first aid
  • safe and effective client interaction.

Regional placements

You will participate in at least one six-month placement, practising in a regional office. Here you will be exposed to a diverse range of legal issues in a fast-paced environment.

These offices are located in:

  • Ballarat
  • Bendigo
  • Geelong
  • Horsham
  • Shepparton
  • Warrnambool
  • Morwell
  • Bairnsdale
  • Mildura
  • Wodonga.

As a new lawyer in one of our regional teams you’ll gain fantastic experience and develop your legal skills working across a wide range of clients, legal matters and practice areas.

You'll also work with a tight-knit team that make a real difference in your community.

Support and future opportunities

You will be supported throughout the New Lawyers Program by an in-house practice that includes over 60 lawyers who are Law Institute of Victoria accredited specialists.

At the end of the program, you will take up an ongoing lawyer role in one of our programs or offices.

Alternative opportunities

Our program is incredibly competitive, with only 12 roles available. We therefore encourage you to also consider other legal roles that may be available in our regional offices.

These roles are regularly updated on the Current opportunities page.

Past participants

New Lawyers Program participant Malaz Dewanyang

'I started the New Lawyers Program during COVID-19, so the initiating process was slightly different to the previous years and new lawyers all started online. Commencing a new position in a midst of a pandemic was disquieting and I was not sure what to expect. From day one of the program, I have experienced levels of support, guidance, and assurance. My supervisors and mentors all want to see me succeed and the training is well delivered.

'I have been in the program for about three months now and I feel confident in what I have learnt thus far. My first placement was blissfully in regional Victoria and I have had exposure to family law mediations, parenting agreements, civil, and predominantly criminal law.

'It has been extremely rewarding being a part of a program which provides continuous opportunities for growth and allows you to give back to the community by assisting some of the most vulnerable clients. I look forward to completing all the rotations and learning about the various areas of practise as I discover the area I am most passionate about.'

Myra Bigger

New Lawyers Program participant Myra Bigger

'For anyone with a passion for social justice, the New Lawyers Program is certainly a fantastic beginning to one’s legal career. The program offers a unique opportunity for first-hand experience in diverse areas of law across different offices in the state of Victoria. The new lawyer is given the opportunity to integrate with the regional offices as well as learn much about the different catchment areas and the specific socio-economic challenges within each community'.

'Furthermore, the opportunity to practice within different fields of law is of major benefit to any new lawyer. Legal issues often intersect, therefore, the knowledge gained throughout the program promotes holistic legal practice. Lawyers in this program are also mentored and supported by a range of senior lawyers, each freely imparting their experience and knowledge to their mentees entering the legal profession. The skills and knowledge new lawyers gain from this program is undeniable'.

'The New Lawyers Program is a unique opportunity which enabled me to develop and grow as a new lawyer. The program has given me every opportunity to become the best lawyer I can be to help Victoria’s most disadvantaged people. I believe the program has given me the skillset and knowledge base necessary to provide the highest quality legal services to Victoria Legal Aid clients who deserve no less'.

'I would encourage any new lawyer to apply for this program and join the Victoria Legal Aid team. You will be given a fantastic start to your legal practice leading to a successful legal career.'

John Morrissey

New Lawyers Program participant John Morrissey

'The New Lawyers Program has been the ideal way for me to begin my legal career. I began practicing in criminal law and the opportunity to complete placements in both the Sunshine and Melbourne offices. The training and support I have received throughout the program has been incredible'.

'The program’s structure has helped me develop the skills in advocacy and dealing with clients which are necessary in legal practice. Even throughout the coronavirus lockdown I was always able to access the professional support I needed. The program is also a great way to experience different areas in Victoria Legal Aid – I am currently on placement in the Legal Help team, working as a lawyer and assisting with a project to encourage Aboriginal people to use the Legal Help service.

'The sense of camaraderie you develop with your fellow new lawyers is also extremely valuable and can make all the difference as you are coming to grips with the challenges and difficulties of legal practice'.

More information

For more information contact us by:

To see more of our career opportunities, go to our Current positions page.


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