Becoming a digital-first organisation
Technology has transformed the way most of us use services, but the legal sector largely remains the same. We think we can do better.
Over the next few years we will be introducing new digital ways of working and interacting with clients and practice partners, thanks to funding from the Legal Services Board.(opens in a new window)
Digital Legal Aid is an essential program of work that will make it easier for people to access the assistance they need through new or improved digital services such as online referral tools and a new website.
It will also streamline our systems and processes and make it easier for practice partners work with us to deliver legal aid services.
This smarter use of technology and data will help us address the pressures on the criminal justice system, increasing demand for legal aid, and also embrace higher use of technology and smartphones in the community.
Clients – improving how Victorians get legal information and help
We’re making it easier for people to access the information and assistance they need through new or improved digital services, such as self-help tools and a new website.
This means as a client:
- you can easily understand what support you need and how Victoria Legal Aid and our partners can help you
- you don’t need to repeat the same information each time you interact with us
- you can securely access your information online any time
- you have access to online information so you feel confident you know what you need to do and are prepared if you need to attend court.
Practice partners – making it easier to work with us
Our practice partners play a critical role in access to justice in Victoria. In 2018–19 they delivered 10 per cent of our duty lawyer services and 76 per cent of our grants of legal assistance. We will be working to ensure it’s easier for our practice partners to work with us and deliver legal aid services.
As part of our commitment to our practice partners, we will develop and share digital solutions with them to building a stronger, more collaborative and united legal assistance sector.
Our staff – working smarter and more efficiently
Our staff are delivering more services and helping more Victorians than ever before. We’re working on reducing the pressure on our staff by turning our old, clunky, inflexible technology into easy-to-use digital tools so they can focus on what they do best – providing high quality legal information and advice to Victorians who need it most.
How we are doing this
We’re approaching the way we design our digital services differently. We have a dedicated team of experts who are working collaboratively with our staff, clients and partners using human centred design, a creative approach to problem-solving that puts people at the centre and ends with innovative solutions. Working together means we’ll get the best results.
What’s already underway
In 2019, we have started:
- development on a new streamlined digital intake solution for our Legal Help phoneline
- research and consultation for the new digital duty lawyer tool and case management system
- scoping the requirements for our new website.
What’s next
In 2020, we will:
- test and implement the Legal Help phoneline intake tool
- start developing the digital duty lawyer tool and case management system
- begin research and consultation with our practice partners and clients to understand how we can use digital solutions to improve our services
- start developing our new website.
If you would like further information about this work, or would like to contribute to Digital Legal Aid, contact DLA@vla.vic.gov.au
More information
Digital Legal Aid will support the implementation our Client First Strategy and the Better justice, every day project.