Our annual report is published after the end of every financial year and tabled in the Victorian Parliament.
It highlights our services and activities for the year and contains information about:
- key activities and initiatives
- financial management and annual financial statements
- compliance reporting requirements.
Our annual reports are prepared in accordance with the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance and Financial Reporting Directions, as well as sections of the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic).
Download previous annual reports
Annual Report 2020–21 (pdf, 4.99 MB) or the accessible Word version (850.94 KB).
2019–20 Annual Report (pdf, 5.79 MB)(opens in a new window) or the accessible Word version (4.1 MB)(opens in a new window).
- 2019–20 Annual Report – responding to the COVID-19 pandemic (pdf, 248.37 KB)(opens in a new window) or the accessible Word version (182.62 KB)(opens in a new window).
- 2019–20 Annual Report services snapshot (pdf, 810.9 KB)(opens in a new window) or the accessible Word version (181.67 KB)(opens in a new window).
- 2019–20 Annual Report regional services snapshot (pdf, 630.9 KB)(opens in a new window) or the accessible Word version (180.85 KB)(opens in a new window).
Annual Report 2018–19(opens in a new window) (pdf, 11.99 MB)(opens in a new window) or the Annual Report 2018–19(opens in a new window) (accessible version)(opens in a new window) (3.47 MB)(opens in a new window).
This report is temporarily unavailable. Physical copies of our annual reports are available in our library.
Victoria Legal Aid Annual Report 2016–17 (pdf, 4.7 MB)(opens in a new window) or the Victoria Legal Aid Annual Report 2016–17 (accessible) (docx, 3.1 MB)(opens in a new window)
Annual Report 2016–17 snapshot key performance data (xlsx, 11 KB)(opens in a new window)
Victoria Legal Aid annual report 2015–16 (pdf, 2.58 MB)(opens in a new window)
Victoria Legal Aid annual report 2015–16 (accessible version) (docx, 17.5 MB)(opens in a new window)
Victoria Legal Aid twentieth statutory annual report 2014–15 (pdf, 4.2 MB)(opens in a new window)
Financial statements 2014–15 (doc, 1.2 MB)(opens in a new window)
Annual Report 2014–15 – appendices, glossary and index (doc, 475 KB)(opens in a new window)
Victoria Legal Aid nineteenth statutory annual report 2013–14 (pdf, 1.7 MB)(opens in a new window)
Narrative: annual report 2013–14 (doc, 7.18 MB)(opens in a new window)
Financial statements: annual report 2013–14 (doc, 1.88 MB)(opens in a new window)
Appendices, glossary and index: annual report 2013–14 (doc, 1.16 MB)(opens in a new window)
Victoria Legal Aid eighteenth statutory annual report 2012–13 (pdf, 2.6 MB)(opens in a new window)
Narrative: annual report 2012–13 (doc, 9.6 MB)(opens in a new window)
Financial statements: annual report 2012–13 (doc, 2.9 MB)(opens in a new window)
Appendices, glossary and index: annual report 2012–13 (doc, 710 KB)(opens in a new window)
Prior to 2013
- Seventeenth statutory annual report 2011–12 (pdf, 5.3 MB)(opens in a new window) or the accessible Word version (1.34 MB)(opens in a new window)
- Sixteenth statutory annual report 2010–11 (pdf, 3.05 MB)(opens in a new window) or the accessible Word version (1.43 MB)(opens in a new window)
- Fifteenth statutory annual report 2009–10 (pdf, 3.73 MB)(opens in a new window)
- Fourteenth statutory annual report 2008–09 (pdf, 3.39 MB)(opens in a new window)
- Thirteenth statutory annual report 2007–08 (pdf, 2.61 MB)(opens in a new window)
- Twelfth Statutory Annual Report 2006–07 (pdf, 4.81 MB)(opens in a new window).