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Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Our Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy aims to embed diverse and inclusive practices, systems and approaches into all aspects of our work.

Our Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2020–23 has been informed by the establishment of our first Cultural Diversity Consultative Committee (CDCC). The CDCC was formed in January 2019 as a result of culturally diverse staff expressing the need for formal mechanisms to embed cultural diversity and inclusion within our organisation.

Our strategy aims to embed diverse and inclusive practices, systems and approaches into all aspects of our work. It is about creating and sustaining an environment that is respectful, fosters inclusiveness, promotes cultural diversity and embraces the individual differences, perspectives and qualities of all our employees.

It outlines how we will address systematic barriers that disadvantage our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) employees as well as create and implement initiatives that build the cultural competency of our organisation. Inclusion is imperative for hiring, attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce.

The strategy acknowledges that organisational change takes time, commitment and resourcing. We have committed to defined goals and practical actions in this plan to implement over a three-year period, using a phased delivery approach.

Our four goals for cultural diversity and inclusion

Goal 1 – Workforce Diversity

This goal is to ensure the recruitment, retention and progression of our workforce is reflective of the diversity of our community, including our clients.

Goal 2 – Workforce Capability

This goal is to develop and maintain workforce skills and capabilities that are aimed at providing culturally safe and inclusive environments for staff and services for clients.

Goal 3 – Organisational Capacity

This goal is to increase organisational capacity to identify, reflect on and address barriers to cultural diversity and create inclusive processes, policies and practices that meet the diverse needs of the community.

Goal 4 – Reporting and Evaluation

This goal is to monitor, report on and evaluate our progress in relation to cultural diversity and inclusion and propose further diversity strategies as appropriate.

Read the plan

Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
PDF 4.25 MB
(opens in a new window)
Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (accessible)
Word 191.73 KB
(opens in a new window)
Cultural diversity and anti-racism plan
Word 186.35 KB
(opens in a new window)

First-year progress report

Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy yearly progress report (accessible)
Word 474.2 KB
(opens in a new window)
Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy yearly progress report
PDF 2.87 MB
(opens in a new window)


For more information, contact AD, Diversity and Inclusion Abby Sullivan via abby.sullivan@vla.vic.gov.au or phone (03) 9606 5261.
