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Appeal of an interim accommodation order

This recommended change to the child protection guidelines proposed creating a specific guideline to clarify the application process for a grant of assistance that is available for a child or parent to appeal or respond to an appeal against an interim accommodation order.


Currently an appeal against an interim accommodation order is not explicitly covered by Victoria Legal Aid’s State family guidelines but is able to be funded as a matter arising from and closely associated with a legally aided matter.

Applications for legal assistance for interim accommodation order appeals are submitted as a ‘Civil Miscellaneous’ matter and must be fully assessed by Victoria Legal Aid on a case-by-case basis.

This proposal would create a specific guideline to clarify the application process for a grant of assistance that is available for a child or parent to appeal or respond to an appeal against an interim accommodation order. This would formalise and streamline the process for seeking a grant of assistance for an interim accommodation order appeal.

Stakeholder feedback

This proposal was supported by the stakeholders who commented on it. It was noted that the change would formalise and streamline the process.

Action – new appeal against interim accommodation order guideline

We have proceeded with the introduction of a specific guideline for appeal of an interim accommodation order.

See the state family guidelines.

More information

Read about the other proposals:


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