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Parking fines

Learn about parking infringements and your options for dealing with a fine.

You must obey parking signs, road markings and road rules when stopping or parking your vehicle. If you do not, you may get a fine. A fine means you must pay money as a punishment for breaking the law.

A parking fine is sometimes called an infringement notice.

Never ignore a parking fine – fines do not go away. Act early to avoid having:

  • to pay more
  • to go to court
  • your licence or registration cancelled.

What is a parking infringement?

A parking infringement is when you park or stop your car or other vehicle:

  • in a place you are not allowed
  • for longer than you are allowed
  • for an activity other than what is allowed.

It does not matter whether you or someone else stays in the vehicle.

Learn about parking and stopping rules.

Parking laws help keep you and others safe.

Who can give me a parking fine?

Only authorised people can give you a parking fine. These include:

  • police
  • protective services officers (PSOs)
  • some council, government and VicRoads officers.

If someone gives you a parking fine and you want to know if they are authorised, ask to see their identity card. The card should show the person’s photo and signature, and their authorising officer’s signature.

Can a private company issue a parking fine?

Private companies run some car parks, such as ones often attached to shopping centres. A parking ‘fine’ from a private company is not the same as a fine from a council, the government or the police.

If you get a notice from a private company that looks like a fine, read Consumer Affairs Victoria's fact sheet. Do this before paying the notice or contacting the company.

Airport parking

Parking at Melbourne Tullamarine Airport comes under federal law, not Victorian state law. You must follow parking and stopping rules set out by signs and authorised airport staff.

If you ignore a fine, Melbourne Airport will take the matter to the Magistrates’ Court.

Learn more about your options for dealing with Melbourne Airport parking infringements.

How much are parking fines?

The amount of a parking fine will depend on a few things. It may depend on the year, the local council and what the fine is for.

The parking fine notice will show exactly how much you owe.

What if I cannot pay a fine by the due date?

If you cannot pay by the due date, learn more about your options for dealing with fines.

When might I not have to pay a parking fine?

If you think there is a reason you should not have to pay a fine, you may be able to apply for a review.

This could be due to special circumstances or other reasons. Experiencing homelessness or family violence are examples of special circumstances.

Learn more about getting a fine reviewed.

The ticket machine or meter was broken

You may not have to pay the fine if the ticket machine or meter was broken.

However, even if a ticket machine or meter is broken, you must still obey the signs. For example, if you park in a restricted time area with a two-hour (2P) sign, you can only stay for up to two hours. If you park for longer than the sign allows, you can get a fine for overstaying the time limit.

The ticket was issued incorrectly

If you think the council or agency that fined you made a mistake, you can ask them to review it.

When you get the ticket, record as much information as possible to prove there was a mistake. The type of information you might collect includes your location and photos of:

  • the parking meter where you parked, including the parking meter number
  • your car parked there
  • the sign showing the parking restrictions.

What if I am under 18?

If you were under 18 when you broke the law, there is a more flexible system for chasing up unpaid fines. You may be able to get your fine reduced or not have to pay it.

Learn more about young people and fines.

It is a good idea to get legal help. Youthlaw has a fact sheet about fines for under 18s.

Publications and resources

Fines and infringements

Fines: the law, your options

Other support for fines and infringements



Fines Victoria

Victoria Police – Infringement notices

Youthlaw – Help with fines


Know Your Council
